Tuesdays, starting on March 1, 7:00-8:00 p.m. PST, ends May 29
$30 per class = $150 for 5 classes
Taught by Orli Moses
Born and raised in California, she grew up in a Hebrew-speaking household and holds dual Master’s degrees in teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TEOSL), and Master of International Business Administration (MIBA) from the World Union of Jewish Studies (WUJS) in Arad, Israel. She has been teaching Hebrew and Jewish Studies for the last 30 years and previously served as Director of Kesher Kef, an afterschool Hebrew enrichment program.
This is an interactive class aimed to enrich your present Hebrew Conversational Skills. We will focus on conversing about different topics, answering fun questions with creative answers, while chatting in a Hebrew-speaking environment.
To register: