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Jan Lebenstein

1930-1999 b. Belaurs d. Poland

A Holocaust survivor of Polish-Jewish descent, Lebenstein has won countless awards including the Grand Prix of Young Artists in Paris Award and exhibited at such prestigious institutions as The Museum of Modern Art (MOMA).

A picture of Jan Lebenstein.

Featured Paintings 

Axial Figures


 Framed 15.75″ x 14″

Unframed 12.5″ x 11″

Price: $15,000

Jan Lebenstein

A painting of Axial Figures by Jan Lebenstein.

 Axial Figures


Framed 15.75″ x 14″

Unframed 12.5″ x 11″

Price: $15,000

Jan Lebenstein

A painting of "Corps de garde" by Jan Lebenstein.

“Corps de garde”

 Framed 27.2″ x 19.1″

Price: $5,000

Jan Lebenstein

A painting of Axial Figure by Jan Lebenstein.

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