with Tanya Yakovleva
10 online sessions, Thursdays
This course taught entirely in Yiddish is for students with a good knowledge of Yiddish culture and grammar. We will read and discuss texts and biographies of Yiddish Modernists in Ukraine of the 1920-1930s such as Dovid Bergelson, Dvoyre Fogel, Dovid Hofshteyn, Perets Markish, Leyb Kvitko, and Khane Levin. Grammar to be repeated will be drawn from the texts. You will learn new literary terms and have an understanding of the main processes and movements in the development of Yiddish Modernism.
Tuition: $270 all 10 weeks or $30 for a 90 minute online class.
Students: $230 all 10 weeks or $25 for a 90 minute online class.
To register: https://yaaana.org/advanced-yiddish/