Yiddish for Absolute Beginners 2


Basic Grammar and Conversation This course is designed for students who are already familiar with the Yiddish Alef-Beys and have had approximately 5 to 20 hours of prior Yiddish instruction […]


Conversational Hebrew for Beginners


Have you ever wondered how to ask for food in a restaurant, understand basic expressions, or express your feelings in Hebrew? If so, this is the course for you! After […]

Conversational Hebrew for Intermediate and Advanced Students


Would you like to broaden your vocabulary, talk about different factual topics, or give and receive instructions in Hebrew? With our advanced conversational Hebrew course, students will acquire the skills […]

Energy Yoga in Yiddish

In this yoga class we will progressively reactivate the body and mind to develop strength and flexibility. The slow and gentle nature of this class is perfect for beginners and […]

Heart Yoga in Yiddish

In this yoga class we will open your mind and heart space to connect to yourself and to cultivate self love. The slow and gentle nature of this class is […]